Inclusive practices during check-in#
🍎 Photography Permissions#
Managing photography opt-outs:
Badge lanyard at registration should be made available to indicate photo preferences (green = photos fine; yellow = ask first; red = no photos)
Welcoming New Attendees#
Ribbons for badges can be useful, e.g. “First-Time Attendee.”
Consider what visual cues would encourage people to engage with one another and go out of their way to be friendly to someone.
Consider running a mentoring program that matches experienced attendees with first-timers for networking and to provide a friendly resource to get to know the conference.
Social Events#
“First-Time Attendee” lunch/dinner/coffee-break as a welcome and safe place for attendees to ask questions.
Consider diversifying the time of day that social events happen.
Not everyone is available (physically or mentally) in the evenings, when social events are typically concentrated.
Alcohol Considerations
We recommend the AdaCamp Toolkit’s summary approach to alcohol at events